
Friday, February 16, 2024

My girls!

So I have began a project. I think girls need dolls. When I was little I love playing with my dolls! Back in 2020 I was given kits to make 18 inch dolls and the community rallied to help make/purchase for them clothing and another friend made them quilts. These dolls were sent in Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts. Becoming a tangible expression of God's love to children all over the world.

I loved sending them and even heard back from the mother of one of the recipients. The doll became a member of their family!    



Last year I realized that so many of these style dolls are "slightly" used and then cast aside and I began wondering if I could learn to restore them to their former glory The goal being "new condition". I wanted to send them in Operation Christmas Child shoebox gifts and to make it through customs as a "gift" they needed to be new condition. 

So arming myself with the all of the knowledge the internet could provide through websites, blogs, and You Tube videos, I set out to learn to restore 18 inch style dolls. I also was able to pick up some new dolls at incredible an incredible clearance sale (but they too needed a bit of tlc.)

So here's a photo celebrating my efforts so far this year! Can you tell who is new, who was just given a bit of TLC and who was "made new?" There are some of each in the photo below!!

I only have 40 or so more to go!! Then I'll develop a back story for each girl and get her ready to travel into a shoebox and become a tangible expression of God's love to her new mom!

1 comment:

Thanks for reading! Continue to Aim Happy!