Thursday, December 11, 2008

A mantle, a dog and a sister in law

So I am in charge of the Christmas program. We needed a fire place for the program. One of the gals from church has one for us. BUT she was leaving to go out of town. I got a call this afternoon. Betsy I just remembered you needed the fireplace, we are leaving to go out of town in 1/2 hour (I live about 15 minutes away) So I get ready, bundle up and head over there. PIck up the mantel and head to church. I get to church, unlock the door, turn on the lights, move the mantel in. Check the placement and then get a phone call. The dog had nosed her way out the back door and was roaming the neighborhood. I go run mantel back into the children's church room, hurriedly get the lights out, call my SIL (who was home) to see if she could pick up a kid and start the neighborhood search (If we don't get the dog fast she goes FAR) and then head home.

Thankfully the dog was found by the time I got home!...sigh

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