Monday, September 30, 2013


Abraham Lincoln once said "Everything I am, and everything I hope to be, I owe to my mother."  

My parents divorced when I was 3 and so growing up it was mainly my mom, sister and I. Mom was a teacher with the soul of an artist. She loved painting and drawing and played in a professional string quartet.

She shared those passions with my sister and I and my family.  She taught us how to sew (granted I don't do it enough to be proficient at it.) and helped me make costumes and clothes growing up. She was always encouraging us to make things vs. buying them even at the cost of a mess or two for she told us "true creativity was never neat!"

She knew anything could be created with scissors and held together with packing tape. She taught us to love and appreciate music. She taught my daughters how to play violin. She shared with me her faith, and love of life. She lived before me as an example of how to have a generous heart.

 This past August I had to say goodbye to her! It was the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life. 

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