Monday, October 13, 2014

Something Only a Mom Would Do

As a mom you know there are certain things that only YOU would do. Saving a lock of hair from a first hair cut, or that first baby tooth that fell out, a sample of handwriting or handprints to cherish when your babies are grown. But would you save them on your wall?

My mom did. A large portion of this year was spent cleaning out my mom's house to turn over to be sold. While cleaning out the laundry room, imagine my giggle when I found this:

Yes that is my forth grade handwriting, on the wall, of the laundry room. I so remember writing that, but have no idea WHY I wrote on the wall. My mom's initials were MEP and mine were actually EAP but since everyone calls me "Betsy" I choose to initial it "BEP" to be like her. 

On the other side of the laundry room, were two handprints. I have to admit those were mine as well. I was in 4th or 5th grade and was asked to start a load of laundry and my hands were wet and wanted to see my wet prints on the wall, thinking it would just evaporate and not realizing there was just enough dirt on my hands to leave a muddy print. These too were still on the laundry room wall. The whole house has been painted several times, and as you can tell the walls got pretty grimy but mom choose to keep things "as is" vs. covering over her sweet little vandal. *grin*

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