Friday, May 17, 2019

Impress your teacher with a Money Machine!

It's been a long hard school year! But take heart the finish line is in sight. There's just a little hiccup end of the year teacher gifts. As a homeschooler, it seems kind of silly to give a gift to myself, (although I've been known to 😉) but my children do participate in cooperative classes at times and I need to find gifts for those teachers.

So enter in the need to find gifts for two very special ladies. One of them put together an entire government/constitution class for two of my kids (and 15 others) and the other opened her home to us to have that class for 12 weeks! The families of the students wanted to get together and bless these ladies in some way. After tossing around several places to give gift certificates to, it was decided cash would be the best gift and since I never want to just "give cash" I had to find a creative way to present it. So enter in

"The money machine"

I saw several of these "premade" boxes online ranging from $5 to $17 dollars (plus shipping.) Who wants to spend money to give money. So I tried making one myself. 

Supplies needed:
 Money- $1 are fun (because the roll is longer.) but any denomination of bill works.  
Reposition-able Tape- (Scotch- Matte' Finish)
Small Box
Craft knife
Fake Money- Or use fake/play dollar bill images printed from online.
Letter Stickers
Mod Podge-Plaid Crafts

To create your "Money Machine"
  • Start by taping your bills together end to end (I used a small piece of tape on both sides for extra strength.) The "matte finish"  tape came off the bills nicely as long as the tape didn't over lap the entire edge of the bill.
  • When your money chain is finished rolled up the bills and place in a box that will fit not only the roll but big enough you can cut a slit in the top to feed your chain through.

  • Using the craft knife, cut a slit in the top of the box. Then take your play/fake money and Mod Podge to the surface of the top of box.  Add your letter stickers. If you want a title on your machine.  I gave it a final coat of Mod Podge to act as a sealer to make sure the stickers stayed in place.

  • I added some directions on how to use the money machine that I printed out.  I also realized I wanted some type of "pull tab" to thread through the top of the box so this I also printed off and then taped to the end of the dollar bill roll.

Then it's wrapping your gift and "patiently" waiting for your favorite teacher to open!

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